Open Source FPGAs using Blackice Mx

This project is maintained by lawrie

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Making Pmods and MixMods

The Pmods shown below used the myStorm prototype Pmod which is available from Tindie and OSH Park

PMods for cheap hardware modules available on ebay and elsewhere are easy to make. Soldering female headers to the proto board allows modules to be plugged into the protoboard and can allow them to be used for multiple similar modules, such as a variety of i2c or SPI modules. Wire-wrapping wire works well for making the connections between the headers.

When you are happy with a PMod, you can get a PCB made for it, by for example, using KiCad and the OSH Park service.

With the Blackice Mx board, there is a prototype board for making MixMods which can be ordered with your Blackice Mx board.

Here is the PCB:


And here is the schematic:


And here are some home-made Pmods:

Ultrasonic Pmod

Display Pmod

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